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HTS Health Group

The secret of your beauty HTS Health Group

Our Treatments

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    Our Treatments

    HTS Health Group will be with you before, during and at the end of your treatment and will plan every step for you. The only thing left for you will be to enjoy Istanbul .

    Plan Your Stay

    If you are satisfied with the treatment plan and the price sent to you, plan your trip.

    Duration of Treatment

    At the first appointment, a smile plan will be applied using images and x-rays. We organize all the details and start the treatment

    Discover Istanbul

    After the treatment, all you have to do is have fun in Istanbul The most beautiful city in the world.

    Happy Return

    After your treatment and discovery of Istanbul, you return home satisfied and happy.

    HTS Health Group

    Health Tourism

    HTS Health will be with you before, during and at the end of your treatment and will plan every step for you. The only thing left for you will be to enjoy Istanbul .

    Global clients around the world





    Luxury Services

    Our clinic takes all necessary precautions for your comfort during the treatment process. Once you arrive in Istanbul, our VIP cars will pick you up and transfer you to a comfortable hotel near our clinic. After the treatment, you will fully enjoy Istanbul.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    -Gingival bleeding is the most important indicator of gingivitis. A dentist should definitely be consulted.

    -After the surgery when the effect of anesthesia goes away, the person can eat. This time is about 2-3 hours.

    Cosmetic Restoration is helpful to restore function and at the same time create an aesthetically pleasing experience for the patients. Cosmetic Restoration is mostly chosen for dentistry related practices as it helps the patients to gain good looking, well set teeth!

    A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair follicles from one area of the scalp (usually the back or sides of the head) and transplanting them to an area where hair loss or thinning has occurred. The procedure typically involves taking individual hair follicles or small clusters of follicles and grafting them onto the scalp in the desired area. The transplanted hair will then begin to grow naturally in its new location.

    A hair transplant is generally not considered a painful procedure, as local anesthesia is used to numb the scalp during the procedure. However, patients may experience some discomfort or soreness in the days following the procedure.

    Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. The procedure is typically performed by making an incision in the breast tissue and placing an implant either behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle.

    The recovery process after breast augmentation can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and individual patient factors. Generally, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days following the surgery. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week or two, but it may take several weeks or even months for the breasts to fully heal and settle into their final shape.

    Gastric bypass is a type of weight loss surgery that involves dividing the stomach into a smaller upper pouch and a larger lower pouch, then rerouting the small intestine to connect to the upper pouch. This reduces the amount of food that can be eaten and absorbed by the body, leading to weight loss.

    As with any surgery, gastric bypass surgery carries potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, blood clots, and anesthesia complications. In addition, there can be long-term complications such as vitamin deficiencies and bowel obstruction.

    Yes, gastric bypass surgery is not a quick fix for weight loss and requires a commitment to lifestyle changes in order to be successful. This may include dietary changes, increased physical activity, and regular follow-up appointments with a medical professional.

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